The competitive Perkins reVISION Action Grant program provides Perkins funds for secondary school districts to help implement the reVISION Action Plan developed in the reVISION process. Only activities that align with high-skill, high-wage, and high-demand occupations are considered for funding. Seventeen districts received awards totaling $536,995. 2019-2020 Perkins reVISION Action Grant Recipients: Arnold Public School Bellevue Public Schools ??? ? ℂ????????? (????? ℂ??????, ????????-????????, ℍ??????, ??? ???????) Fairbury Public Schools, Hershey Public Schools, Loup County Public Schools, Millard Public Schools, Sargent Public Schools, ???????? ℙ????? ???????, and ?????? ℙ????? ???????
Click the link for the entire press release reVISION Grant Press Release
The ESU 9 Consortium purchased zSpace for the 2019-2020 school year using some of this funding. zSpace combines elements of AR and VR to create lifelike experiences that are immersive and interactive.
Click the link to learn more about zSpace zSpace Link