Our Library
Preschool visits the library every month. We get to do activities and read books that relate to what they are doing in the classroom. They love picking out books from the library to take with them to have in their own classroom.
K-6th grade has library class twice a week for approximately 30 minutes each visit. We have lessons that help with our reading comprehension, how to do research, and how to be a good digital citizen. We discuss the many different genres of books and enjoy reading from them too!
The library is available throughout the day for our Jr/Sr high students, whether it is to check out books, find a place to study, or get help with an assignment.

This is a great site that is full of databases, which means that they are safe and provide accurate information. They are much better to use when doing research than just googling information. These databases are provided to Kenesaw Public School through the state of Nebraska and the Department of Education. Each school has its own password that changes during the months of September and March. The passwords can be distributed to patrons and students so they can use the resources from home or other locations; however, licensing terms prohibit posting passwords to publicly accessible websites. Mrs. Burr posts the password up in the classrooms and library but will be happy to email it to parents if they would like to have it for home use with their child. Contact Mrs. Burr at jburr@kenesawschools.org for more information.
AR Book Finder
Is your child looking for a book to read and wants to make sure it’s on Accelerated Reader and at their level? Use the following link to find the information you need to know:
Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is a great resource for parents when they are wanting to learn more about a book, movie, technology, etc. This site provides reviews, recommendations, and advice for families. Please look into this site if you want to actively be involved in knowing what your child is reading, viewing, or playing.
Kenesaw elementary students get to visit the Adams County Bookmobile every other week. The Bookmobile comes right in front of the school. This experience allows our students to check out books and media that peak their interest and curiosity from a wide variety of topics. Stopping at the bookmobile is always a highlight in our student’s week.
Bookmobile Contact Info:
Megan Jensen, Bookmobile Coord.
The Hastings Public Library Bookmobile provides library service to both Hastings and Adams County stops on a biweekly basis. Our service are dedicated to providing access to information, literature, and ideas to all ages and members of the community.
The Bookmobile carries about 5,000 titles including children’s books, adult fiction, and DVDs. Requests can also be made and picked up on the vehicle at any of the scheduled stops.
Bookmobile Policies
• Most items checkout from the Bookmobile for four weeks.
• DVDs checkout from the Bookmobile for two weeks.
• Requests can be made by phone, online, or in person and can be picked up from the Bookmobile at any stop.
• Items borrowed from the Bookmobile may be returned to the Hastings Public Library and vice versa.
• Applications for new library cards and replacement cards can be made on the Bookmobile.
• Visit hastingslibrary.us for complete Bookmobile schedule as well as announcements of cancellations due to weather or mechanical difficulties.
HPL Schedule
Visit HPL website for more schedule – https://www.cityofhastings.org/assets/site/coh/documents/Library/2022PDF/BM%20ScheduleSummer22.pdf