Junior Jenna Jaeschke demonstrates many admirable traits; however, this past month her availability–making her own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of others–has been most evident, making her an excellent choice for KPS Student of the Month.
During September, Jenna volunteered her time and talents when some others hesitated. For example, she accepted many responsibilities dealing with the preparations for next month’s Homecoming; she set aside her own priorities in order to help with calling lines for home junior high volleyball games; and she continues to assist the high school volleyball coaches and team by doing stats at games–and clock and book when needed. She also has begun her involvement with the play with an on-stage appearance for the first time–all of these while still maintaining A+ grades in all her classes.
Jenna, indeed, has always ranked at or near the top of her class academically and demonstrates great leadership qualities in the classroom as well as outside the classroom. Again, she volunteers to do tasks that other students don’t show much interest in. Specifically, during a recent assignment in which the students were to discuss the impact of the railroad on westward expansion, she added drawings along with her text that tied the two together very well. It is that over-and-beyond-what-is-expected attitude that makes Jenna the epitome of an admired and respected Kenesaw student.