It’s State FFA Week!
Congratulations to Grace Eckhardt for earning her State FFA Degree. The State Degree Ceremony honoring all the recipients will start at 8 p.m. tonight. Grace also earned a Silver Award for her Sheep Production Proficiency application.
Congratulations to Emma Schroder for competing in the Senior Public Speaking contest! Final placing will be announced in the coming days.
Congratulations to Kassie Kimle, Bridger Kroos, Silas Purdy, and Annika Hellner for competing in the Agriscience contest! Final results will be announced in the coming days.
Best of luck to Alex Rutt, Blake Kimle, Calry Kleier, Kayn Milam, Mckinnley Kroos,Alivia Hellner, and Azryn Volker who will be competing in the Junior High Quiz Bowl contest on Friday!
Check out the below link for keynote speakers, awards, and general session activities.